WFH Women & Girls Global Summit

WFH Global Summit on women & girls with inherited bleeding disorders

WFH staged their first ever Global summit on women and girls with inherited bleeding disorders in November 2020.

The Summit was an exciting two-day virtual meeting for women with bleeding disorders, patient organisations, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals and other supporters from around the world to exchange information and experiences. It covered:

  • diagnosis and management
  • quality of life
  • how women are advocating for better care
  • the ways women are getting their voices heard.

Some highlights from the Summit are published in this issue of National Haemophilia.

Read about the sessions on improving care and quality of life for girls and women
One of the speakers in the Summit was Australia’s Susie Couper, who presented on the international VWD (von Willebrand disease) clinical guidelines and how to use them from the perspective of a patient representative. Susie has put together her reflections on the session and her personal involvement in the development of the guidelines.

Read Susie's reflections on the international VWD clinical guidelines
Sessions involved personal stories from women with bleeding disorders around the world – including Sharri Brodie from Perth, Western Australia, who introduced the session on diagnosis and management. The personal stories were thoughtful and compelling and highlighted the reality of the issues for women. 

Read about Sharri's personal story
Women & Girls Initiative
WFH’s Women and Girls Initiative was also launched at the Summit. HFA Executive Director, Sharon Caris, interviewed key international leaders about what the Initiative will involve. The Initiative will support more education and training, both for health professionals and the community. You can watch Sharon’s interviews on the Summit website.
Even though the summit is over, you can still register and watch recordings of the Women and Girls Global Summit sessions on demand at

  • click on NEW REGISTRATION and register
  • WFH will send you a confirmation email
  • On the website, use your email address and your last name to login
  • Go to the AGENDA and click on RECORDINGS to watch the session


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