World Haemophilia Day (2)

World Hemophilia Day logo

Today is World Haemophilia Day!

On 17 April World Haemophilia Day is recognised globally to increase awareness of haemophilia, von Willebrand disease and other inherited bleeding disorders.

The theme for this year is Reach out and connect to your community! 

Reach out to others in the bleeding disorders community. Take opportunities to meet others with similar experiences and share your stories and tips. No matter your age or stage, connection throughout life is vital.    


Watch our digital stories where community members share their experiences of reaching out to  others in the bleeding disorders community – and the value of meeting others in similar situations who understand what it’s like.  


Landmarks and monuments in Australia and around the world are supporting World Haemophilia Day by changing their lighting to red today.

Click here to find out what landmarks are going red in your state or territory.

Show your support tonight, and post photos on our Facebook page of you and your friends at the landmarks. #WHD2019


WFH have launched a World Haemophilia Day website where you can read and share stories about how bleeding disorders have affected people and their loved ones –

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