The safety and supply of treatment products is a priority for the bleeding disorders community.
Many people in our community, and their families have been deeply affected by HIV and/or hepatitis C which was transmitted through plasma derived treatment products in the past.
HFA works with stakeholders to ensure sufficient supplies of safe treatment products for Australians with bleeding disorders.
HFA supports access to a range of treatment products for haemophilia, von Willebrand disease (VWD) and other rare inherited bleeding disorders so that patients and their treating clinicians can select the most suitable treatment option for their condition.
The National Blood Authority purchases treatment products for bleeding disorders and these are prescribed though Haemophilia Treatment Centres. The current treatment products available are listed on the National Blood Authority National Product List.
HFA keeps a watching brief on new and emerging products and encourages discussion about future care and treatments.
For information about specific treatment products contact your haemophilia specialist at your Haemophilia Treatment Centre or if you require further information about the treatment product you have been prescribed, see the consumer medicine information supplied with your product or contact the product manufacturer or sponsor.