WFH Virtual Summit 2020

WFH Virtual Summit
In 2020 COVID-19 emerged worldwide and it was no longer safe to hold large face-to-face meetings. The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) World Congress that was due to take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in June 2020 was cancelled. In its place WFH organised its inaugural Virtual Summit.

WFH Virtual Summit

The WFH Virtual Summit was a novel concept of bringing together the global bleeding disorders community virtually – in an online environment, with live webinar sessions and Q&A from delegates who had registered. There was a diverse and stimulating program, with highly relevant topics and discussions such as:

  • the impact of COVID-19 on bleeding disorders management and care
  • patient experiences of gene therapy
  • women ‘ageing gracefully’
  • what does ‘quality of life’ meant to you
  • VWD and the differences between men and women
  • physical activity for joint health and wellness
  • treatment products now and in the pipeline
  • and many other timely and interesting subjects

In this issue of National Haemophilia, we hear about some of the key sessions from Summit delegates.


Virtual Summit program

Many of the sessions have been recorded and are now available to everyone to view on demand free-of-charge. They will remain online until June 2021 – a great opportunity to catch up with all the latest information and debate from the world experts from the comfort of your home!

  • Go to
  • Click on WATCH ON DEMAND
  • Register
  • Then ENTER with your email address
  • Select the type of sessions from the top menu
  • Then select the session you want to see and click WATCH ON DEMAND
  • And settle back for a very interesting session!

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