The deadline for poster abstracts for the 2021 Australian Conference on Haemophilia, VWD and Rare Bleeding Disorders has been extended to 31 July 2021.
The 20th Australian Conference on Haemophilia, VWD and Rare Bleeding Disorders – Embracing a Changing World – will take place this year from 8-9 October 2021 virtually.
Submit a Poster Abstract
Posters are an integral part of the conference, and we are calling for poster abstracts for our virtual poster display.
We encourage abstracts relevant to clinical practice and care, laboratory science, research, policy, living with bleeding disorders or treatment complications, peer support programs and special projects. This is a great opportunity to share ideas and experience.
There will be prizes for the Best Abstract, and the Best Poster.
Click here for more information on the conference and submitting a poster abstract.