An update from HFA about the arrangements to access Hemlibra®, a treatment for haemophilia, and HFA’s ongoing work to advocate for new treatments.
We are pleased that all Australian governments have agreed to fund Hemlibra® and that it is now available under the national blood arrangements along with the suite of other treatment products on the National Blood Authority’s National Product List.
Hemlibra® (also known as emicizumab) is a treatment that can reduce or prevent bleeding in people with severe or moderate haemophiia A with and without inhibitors.
There are specific regulatory requirements for Hemlibra®. It is available through specialist clinicians at Haemophilia Treatment Centres and distribution is through local or community pharmacies, with home delivery in exceptional circumstances. Further information is available on the National Blood Authority website – National supply arrangements for Hemlibra (emicizumab)
If you have any questions about your treatment or treatment products, it is recommended that you discuss them with your doctor at your Haemophilia Treatment Centre.
HFA will continue to advocate for treatment and care that will offer the best outcomes for our community. This work also involves consulting with the community about your healthcare requirements and helps us make recommendations for improvement.
For example, this week HFA made a submission to the Australian Parliamentary Committee undertaking an Inquiry into approval processes for new drugs and novel medical technologies in Australia. Our recommendations for changes to the assessment processes were based on recent experiences of processes that contributed to delays for access to extended half-life clotting factors and Hemlibra®. With more new therapies for haemophilia likely to arrive in the next few years, it is an important time to consider ways to streamline the processes to evaluate new therapies for government funding so that these delays do not occur again in the future.