The Getting Older Community Survey was an opportunity for the wider Australian bleeding disorders community to let HFA know concerns around getting older with a bleeding disorder and what would help now and in the future. It was conducted during November 2019 to January 2020.
Who WAS the survey for?
The survey could be completed by any adult in the bleeding disorders community who lives in Australia and was aimed at:
- people with bleeding disorders who are getting older
- their partners, family, friends and carers.
What Was the survey about?
The survey asked personal questions about aspirations for the future and what would help to achieve this, work/retirement, housing, finances, information and education, computer and mobile device use, support, and social connectedness.
Survey results were published in the Getting Older Project needs assessment report. The report was completed in May 2020 and published on the HFA website. A summary of the report will also be published in the June 2020 issue of National Haemophilia, HFA's quarterly journal.
Please contact HFA on or 1800 807 173 if you would like a print copy of the report (B&W only) posted to you.
For more information about the survey:
- Read the Participant Information Sheet
- Or contact Suzanne at HFA on or phone 1800 807 173
The survey was distributed through HFA and local Foundation communication networks.
How WAS privacy protected?
This survey was voluntary, anonymous and confidential. It was not for collecting health statistics or identifying personal information, but to help HFA with strategic planning, advocacy, support and education.
The survey was available online using the SurveyMonkey platform and in print with reply paid envelopes to return the survey. For more information about how the survey data was protected, read the Participant Information Sheet.
Ethics approval
The Bellberry Human Research Ethics Committee has reviewed and approved this study in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) – incorporating all updates. This Statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies.
If you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study, you are welcome to contact the Operations Manager, Bellberry Limited on 08 8361 3222.