One aspect of this project is to consider digital solutions such as an online hub for relevant education and information resources and digital options for peer support.
The Getting Older Info Hub is now available on the HFA website and will continue to develop.
The community survey was used to help understand the bleeding disorder community’s online usage and preferences and education and information needs. It also investigated the community's capacity and interest in being part of a virtual community and other options for digital connection, including by telephone and VOIP technology such as Skype.
CONSUMER Focus group
The project also involved establishing a national Consumer Focus Group to develop and test digital solutions for wider community use. Focus group participants were recruited nationally from the bleeding disorders community.
This focus group met in November 2019 to generate and discuss ideas and suggestions about an online platform for information and peer support and other digital options (including telephone, Skype (VOIP technology), social media use and so on). They continue to work with HFA on the Info Hub and other digital solutions as they evolve.