It is an exciting time in gene therapy for haemophilia in Australia.
Gene therapy for haemophilia aims to provide the body with a functioning version of the factor VIII (8) or factor IX (9) gene so that the body can produce enough clotting factor for the blood to clot normally.
Gene therapy has been registered for use in some countries. In Australia there are currently a number of advanced experimental clinical trials for gene therapy. Some Haemophilia Treatment Centres are participating in the trials. People who are interested can discuss this with their Haemophilia Treatment Centre as this is constantly changing.
Gene therapy for haemophilia

This resource, Gene Therapy for Hemophilia is published by World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) and has been linked here with permission. © 2023 World Federation of Hemophilia
Gene therapy is still a relatively new treatment for haemophilia and there is a lot of research in this area and new information becoming available. Initial results are promising, with a decrease in the number of bleeding episodes and the need for people to have prophylaxis treatment.
There are a lot of important considerations before undertaking gene therapy, for example, will you be suitable to have gene therapy, how long will the effect of treatment last, side effects, etc. All of these need to be discussed with your Haemophilia Treatment Centre.
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What's new?
Gene therapy
Gene therapy for haemophilia Information for people with haemophilia about gene therapy and how it works in haemophilia. This booklet explains the types of gene therapy that are being trialled in haemophilia at present, who...
HFA Gene Therapy Snapshot Survey
HFA would like to understand what our community members want from their haemophilia treatments and your perspectives on gene therapy in particular.
Gene therapy webinar
Dr Michiel Coppens joined us at HFA for an interview about gene therapy, answering questions from the community. Watch the video or read the transcript.
Congress – a Foundation perspective
Haemophilia Foundation Australia President Gavin Finkelstein spoke with HFA about his experiences at the WFH 2024 World Congress.
New gene therapy resource
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From the President
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Gene therapy
Gene therapy for haemophilia has been in advanced clinical trials for some years now and this Congress was a timely forum to discuss and evaluate it critically. ROBYN SHOEMARK Robyn Shoemark is Clinical Nurse Consultant...
Haemophilia gene therapy snapshot survey
HFA’s haemophilia gene therapy snapshot survey asked people and parents of children with haemophilia what outcomes they would like from treatment now and in the future.
Novel haemophilia therapies
Living in the new world of novel haemophilia therapies ROBYN SHOEMARK Robyn Shoemark is Clinical Nurse Consultant Haemophilia/Haematology at the Kids Factor Zone, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW Discussion about the impact of...
World Hepatitis Day 2024
World Hepatitis Day 2024 reminds us It’s time for action – hepatitis C and liver health remain important issues for our community and acting now is vital.
More information
For more information on gene therapy in haemophilia, speak to your treating haemophilia specialist doctor or a gene therapy expert who is undertaking clinical trials in haemophilia.
Click here for contact details of your local specialist Haemophilia Treatment Centre.
Sources and reviewers