Youth Update


Youth Lead Connect

Youth Lead Connect (YLC) is a leadership program developed by Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA) to build education and life skills for young people with bleeding disorders. The program began in 2015 and follows an application pathway similar to a job application process. The program encourages youth to step up in their local community and increase both their personal and leadership growth.

Youth Lead Connect participants are currently working with HFA and their local Haemophilia Foundations to develop appropriate goals and determine which achievements are best suited to their personal abilities and their Foundation’s needs, as well accommodating for skills building and personal growth. This includes learning how to have a leadership or mentoring role in their local community, how to work with their local Haemophilia Foundation and achieve mutual goals and objectives. Participants also have an opportunity to experience and understand the processes that are involved with planning and developing appropriate activities including the role of Haemophilia Foundation Committees.

YLC participants gain unique knowledge into how their Foundation works and the ways in which important goals are driven. They work towards mutual goals with their Foundations and assist their Foundation, using their existing skills to increase their leadership and mentoring capacity or work on and develop additional skills.

Goals in the process of development include:

  • Two youth and one mentor are working together and with their Haemophilia Foundation to assess whether there is interest for a youth event and how it should run. This has so far involved one youth writing an Expression Of Interest for the Foundation newsletter, and will also involve writing a proposal to Foundation. After an initial strategy meeting between the two youth, one youth will present to the Foundation Committee meeting on their findings and suggestions.
  • Several YLC participants are writing a personal story for Factored In. Personal stories help youth connect with each other and are an important part of peer support, mentoring and leadership in the community.
  • One youth is working with their Foundation to assist the Foundation’s daily technology outputs and further utilise their technology skills. This includes assisting with the website, by helping keep it up to date with the latest information and documents.
  • One youth is working with their Foundation to advocate for young people who live in non-metropolitan areas of their state/territory to be involved in a local youth event, including contributing ideas about suitable locations and activities.


This year, the Australian & New Zealand Conference on Haemophilia & Rare Bleeding Disorders will be on 12-14 October and held in Melbourne.

Youth session – busting myths

Similar to previous conferences, there will be a youth session, but this time it will be a bit different! This session is all about busting myths to do with living with a bleeding disorder. The session will cover a wide range of topics including sport, employment, discrimination, sex, tattoos and more.

The only way you’ll find out what the truths are, is if you attend!

There may be some funding available, so if you’re interested in attending the conference, visit the HFA website for more information about how to apply.

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