Coronavirus update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) how to avoid infection or spreading the virus
We hope you and your family are all staying well and safe in the current situation with coronavirus (COVID-19).
If you have any questions about coronavirus generally, the Australian Government HealthDirect website is providing accurate information that is updated regularly:

  • The HealthDirect website coronavirus/COVID-19 section
  • The HealthDirect symptom checker – which has advice specific to COVID-19
  • The HealthDirect Service Finder will list the COVID-19 respiratory centres as they are established
  • The 24-hr National Coronavirus Helpline – phone 1800 020 080

 COVID-19 - Identifying the symptoms
HealthDirect has some very helpful resources if you want to download them or share them:


If you have general health or coronavirus concerns you are advised to contact your General Practitioner for advice. Do not change medications you are currently taking or begin new medications without consulting with your doctor. 
If you have concerns about treatment for your bleeding disorder or your treatment product contact your HTC team in your usual way. It is recommended that you phone the HTC before presenting at the HTC.
Also refer to advice provided by your State/Territory Health Department for specific information about where you live:

In relation to ongoing supply of treatment products in Australia, the National Blood Authority has contracts with suppliers in place to ensure adequate supplies of local and imported clotting factors, including national reserves and advises there is no reason to expect any threats to supply at this time.

HFA has been asked about the safety of clotting factor treatments made from human blood plasma in the context of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Lifeblood (formerly the Australian Red Cross Blood Service) has confirmed that donor screening procedures in Australia to prevent individuals who show disease symptoms typical of a coronavirus infection, including COVID-19, are routinely in place, and will continue to be reviewed. There is no current evidence suggesting coronavirus is transmissible by blood transfusion and other similar respiratory viruses are not known to be transmitted by blood. Virus detection in the blood has only been detected in a relatively small proportion of unwell patients who would not be eligible to donate blood. Further, dry heat treatment, solvent detergent and other steps used in the fractionation process inactivate and remove viruses.
HFA will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.

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