Sometimes it is important to connect with someone else who shares similar experiences.
Personal stories
Sharing personal experiences
Community members talk about life and managing their bleeding disorder as they get older.
Watch and read their stories
Peer support
Peer support groups
Many state and territory Haemophilia Foundations have peer support groups that meet regularly, bringing together people with bleeding disorders and also their partners, family and close friends.
Contact your local Foundation to find out more.
You can also speak to your Haemophilia Treatment Centre about opportunities to meet other people in the bleeding disorders community – whether you have bleeding disorder or are a partner, family or carer
Strategies for connection
Getting back to hobbies and socialising
Life after COVID or after a big change like retirement can sometimes feel a bit flat and lonely. Haemophilia Social Worker Jane Portnoy suggests some ways to exercise your social skills and get back into the swing of things
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Overcoming loneliness
Many of us experience feeling alone or separate from other people at times, even though we might be surrounded by people. What can help to feel less lonely and more connected to other people? Haemophilia Social Worker Nicoletta Crollini offers some strategies.
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