Let’s talk about getting older!
We invite you to take part in the HFA Getting Older community survey.
HFA wants to hear from:
- people with bleeding disorders
- and their partner/family or friends/carers
about the needs they may have as the person with a bleeding disorder gets older.
Let us know what your concerns are around getting older and what would help now and in the future!
Your answers to the HFA Getting Older survey will help us to understand and respond to the impact of getting older with a bleeding disorder.
Click here to download and read the Participant Information Sheet
Prefer to do a print survey?
Contact Preetha at HFA to have a print survey posted to you, if you need help doing the survey, or if you have any other questions about the survey:
email pjayaram@haemophilia.org.au
or phone 1800 807 173 (tollfree).
If you complete a print survey, please complete one print survey per person.
Disability and Interpreting services
If you need help to do the survey, these services may be of assistance:
National Relay Service (TTY) – for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment and wish to use a proxy to complete the survey for them or to speak to the Project Officer about the survey:
Helpdesk: Ph 1800 555 660;
TTY: 1800 555 630; SMS: 0416 001 350
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS):
General Inquiries – 1300 655 820
Getting Older is a priority project of Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA). HFA is committed to supporting active, independent and fulfilling lives for people in our bleeding disorders community.
The HFA Getting Older community survey is anonymous and confidential. No identifying information will be shared with third parties.