Greetings from HFA Executive Director, Sharon Caris, and all HFA.
COVID-19 has caused trauma around the world in a way that none of us would ever have expected. Many of us are in our bubbles at home: doing paid work where that is possible, supervising children, finding things to do – cooking, cleaning, pottering in the shed, gardening, chatting to people on the phone or keeping connected on social media.
Sadly, the health crisis has impacted financially, and many people no longer have their jobs or their livelihoods are under threat. Our healthcare professionals at the front-line are doing an amazing job for the whole community. We are grateful for their sacrifice and for the toll this must have on their families as well. Teachers too, are doing wonderful things as they teach, care for children and provide support and reassurance to their students and parents at this time.
Just as in the general community, the bleeding disorders community is made up of many different people who will be experiencing these difficult times in different ways. Some people will be reaching out to others when they can, and keeping connected with their family and peers. It is really important that people do care for one another, that we are reasonable in our expectations of the services around us, and that we seek support when it is needed.
Here at HFA we have necessarily postponed and cancelled many activities and events. Like many others, HFA staff are now working from home but looking for ways of working with our community and keeping connected.
You may have seen the photos our community shared on the HFA social media platforms about lighting it up red for bleeding disorders awareness on World Haemophilia Day – including HFA and AHCDO staff who dressed up in red to celebrate the day! We invite you to stay in touch with us and keep up-to-date with what’s happening in the bleeding disorders space on the HFA social media platforms:
We know some people may need some extra support at this time and encourage you to contact us if you have any concerns on 1800 807 173 or email For specific information and support about coping with the isolation and stress of these difficult times we wanted to share the following websites with you: