Planning is key to transition because it allows you time to talk about what future care you need and where you can get that care. Planning ahead also ensures that you are ready for the change when the time comes. The whole planning process may take a few years and involves your family where possible. Transition is really a process, rather than a point in time.
Here are some key points which you might find useful.
- Start planning early (ideally before you turn 18), preferably when you start high school or when you are about 13 years old. In fact the best transitions are throughout childhood, as you begin to take more control and responsibility for looking after yourself, such as learning to do your own needles, gradually supporting you to take on more understanding, control, and self-care, as you have the ability both physically and mentally.
- If you were diagnosed recently and you are an older adolescent, talking about transition should start close to when you are diagnosed.
- Don’t expect this to happen overnight! The whole planning process may take a few years and should involve your family where possible.
- Transition does take time – so try not to expect it to happen overnight. If you are getting impatient, talk to your Haemophilia team about what age they suggest you could move on to the adult service. This happens at a different age in each state/territory.
- It is important to ensure you have a good relationship with your Haemophilia Centre at all stages of your life as you never know when you may need ongoing treatment or help with something.
- Many adult services offer opportunities for you to meet the new team ahead of your actual transition. They may come and meet you in your children’s hospital, or they may have an information session. You can even go for a visit yourself and see the adult centre ahead of time. Some Haemophilia Centres have a special transition clinic where you get more time to meet the whole team, have a look around and there is a chance to meet others who are going through similar steps.