World Hepatitis Day

In July 2023 Australian landmarks will be glowing green to raise awareness about eliminating viral hepatitis. World Hepatitis Day is marked internationally on 28 July and is one of the World Health Organization’s nine official global public health days. Green is used by the global NOhep movement – the colour of life, vitality and progress.

NOhep logo

World Hepatitis Day is an opportunity to come together to step up efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis, in particular hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Once again, the theme in 2023 is Hepatitis can’t wait.

Many people don’t know that they have hep C. For example, you could be at risk if you have a bleeding disorder and ever had a blood product before 1993. 

Or some people have been cured but still need follow-up for their liver health, especially if they have cirrhosis.

Do you think this might be you? Or someone you know?

By talking to our friends, family or a doctor about testing, treatment and liver health checks we can work towards the goal of viral hepatitis elimination by 2030.

On World Hepatitis Day we are reminded not to wait – know your hep C status, have treatment to cure hep C, where possible, and follow up on your liver health after treatment.

Australia can't wait to eliminate hepatitis

Look out for more information and activities on our website and social media in the week leading up to 28 July.


Australian World Hepatitis Day website –
HFA World Hepatitis Day page – 

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