Items tagged 'Events & awareness'

What's coming up in bleeding disorders?
In 2024 World AIDS Day asks us to be proactive in awareness and support for community members living with HIV, with the theme 'It starts with me'.
In October 2024 we came together to raise awareness about haemophilia, VWD and other rare bleeding disorders.
In October 2024 people around Australia wore red and shared red food to raise awareness about bleeding disorders.
On 1 December we join our global community in marking World AIDS Day.
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month starts today! For all of October, individuals, families, Haemophilia Foundations and other organisations will come together to raise awareness about haemophilia, von Willebrand disease and other rare bleeding disorders around Australia.
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month is coming up in October 2024. How can you take part? Order your promotional items now!
Heading to the end of the year, we review our progress. Gene and emerging therapies are on the agenda, and Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month is coming up.
World Hepatitis Day 2024 reminds us It’s time for action - hepatitis C and liver health remain important issues for our community and acting now is vital.
October is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. Order some of our free promotional items and share them at your school, workplace or family/friend event. 

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