HFA is pleased to announce the release of the new The Female Factors booklet, Haemophilia – Finding out you carry the gene.
This booklet was launched on 11 April 2017 as part of the international World Haemophilia Day Hear Their Voices campaign to acknowledge the experiences of women and girls with bleeding disorders.
Download the Haemophilia – Finding out you carry the gene booklet.
The booklet provides information about finding out you carry the altered gene that causes haemophilia. This resource is based on the experiences of Australian women and girls and describes some common responses and reactions and where to go for support. It includes quotes and personal stories from Australian women.
This booklet is part of the suite of resources that will be published in The Female Factors project. Other resources cover:
And in development:
- Diagnosis
- Symptoms, treatment and care
- Family planning, pregnancy and birth
- Telling others
- Information for teenage girls and young women