Sport and exercise for girls and young women with bleeding disorders
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We would like to thank the many people who made valuable contributions to this fact sheet.
Content development: Hannah Lucantonio (Opeskin), health promotion content writer
Australia/New Zealand Haemophilia Psychosocial Group: Nicoletta Crollini, Jane Portnoy.
Australian and New Zealand Physiotherapy Haemophilia Group: Hayley Coulson, Nicola Hamilton, Abi Polus.
Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’ Organisation: Dr Simon Brown, Dr Amanda Davis, Dr Carly George.
Australian Haemophilia Nurses’ Group: Susan Dalkie, Penny McCarthy, Joanna McCosker
Haemophilia Foundation Australia: Sharon Caris, Suzanne O’Callaghan
HFA Young Women’s Consumer Review Group – young women and parents of young women – individuals not listed for privacy reasons