Any questions?

If you need more information or support, contact your local Haemophilia Treatment Centre.

You can find contact details of Haemophilia Treatment Centres around Australia on the Haemophilia Foundation Australia website.

For more information about bleeding disorders, or how to get in touch with your local Haemophilia Foundation or a specialist Haemophilia Treatment Centre, contact:

Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA)
T: 1800 807 173

More reading

Check out the Q &A and stories sections on Factored In for more information and stories on sport and exercise for young people with bleeding disorders 

BBC Science Focus – What happens to my body when I exercise?

BRuCe: the AHCDO bleeds risk calculator – Activity risk categories

Canadian Hemophilia Society – Precautions in hemophilia

Healthdirect – Exercise and mental health

InVIVO Academy with HFA and HFNZ – On the move with haemophilia – An education resource for parents, teachers and coaches on sport and exercise in young people with haemophilia.

Ask your HTC about other resources. For example, the book Boys will be boys has useful information about risks with particular sports and relevant protective equipment.


Date last reviewed: 17 May 2021

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