Items tagged 'Youth'

HFA's short video for teenage males answers the question, will males with haemophilia pass it on to their children - and how are genes involved?
How can young people with bleeding disorders find the direction for their career and take the first steps in employment?
Jack talks about his travel adventures in Canada and the USA, snowboarding and managing haemophilia on the road with new treatments.
Declan and Bailey talk about catching up with other young people at a gaming bar and what made it fun.
Declan and Bailey talk about the HFV Youth Day Out event at a gaming bar and what made it fun.
At the Nurses’ Workshop at WFH 2024 World Congress, Scott gave a fascinating presentation about the patient experience of body art with severe haemophilia .

The Melbourne Conference in August 2023 was the first time the national Conference had been held in person since the…

Jack talked to HFA about travelling overseas and managing his haemophilia for some amazing trips!

Tell us a little about your bleeding disorder I have severe Type 3 von Willebrand disease. Essentially my blood doesn’t…

Alan shares his story about how speaking with others about his bleeding disorder helped ease his transition into higher education …

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