Items tagged 'Men'

Special considerations with endoscopy, gastroscopy or colonoscopy for people with haemophilia, VWD and other bleeding disorders.
How your Haemophilia Treatment Centre can support you over your lifetime and ensure your wellbeing and best outcomes from treatment and care.
People without a bleeding disorder are also needed for the PROBE Australia Study to research the impact of haemophilia.
HFA's short video for teenage males answers the question, will males with haemophilia pass it on to their children - and how are genes involved?
With new haemophilia treatments, recording on MyABDR has some challenges. HTCs and users share their tips.
World Hepatitis Day 2024 reminds us It’s time for action - hepatitis C and liver health remain important issues for our community and acting now is vital.
If you were born male with haemophilia, will your children have haemophilia too?
If you were born male and have haemophilia, will your children have haemophilia too?
International Men’s Health Week runs each year in the middle of June. It is an important opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities.
Paul shares his experience working as an apprentice shipwright and boat builder, a FIFO WHS manager, and today supporting his brother in a business with over 60 employees and a growing client base.

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