No 209 March 2020

In this issue

It's not too late to complete the PROBE (Patient Reported Outcomes Burdens and Experiences) questionnaire!   The survey is available at….

2020 WFH WORLD CONGRESS The 2020 WFH World Congress will be held in in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 14-17 June.  …

GET+INVOLVED 17 April 2020 Every year on 17 April World Haemophilia Day is recognised worldwide to increase awareness of haemophilia,…

Join us for the Australian Premiere of Bombardier Blood! Join us to celebrate World Haemophilia Day on Friday 17 April…

The HFA Go For It Grants program provides awards to inspire and support people affected by a bleeding disorder to…

NICOLETTA CROLLINI Nicoletta Crollini is the Haemophilia Social Worker, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney According to the Australian Loneliness Report,…

PREETHA JAYARAM Preetha Jayaram is the HFA Getting Older Project Officer GETTING OLDER NEEDS ASSESSMENT We have reached the final…

ROBYN HEAL AND CARA GANNON Robyn Heal and Cara Gannon have VWD Type 1 and are HFV Committee Members Robyn…

People with VWD (also known as von Willebrand disorder) have a problem with a protein in their blood called von…

MEGAN WALSH, PENNY MCCARTHY AND AMY FINLAYSON Megan Walsh and Penny McCarthy are Clinical Nurse Consultants, Ronald Sawers Haemophilia Centre,…

NICOLA HAMILTON AND ALANA RANDALL Nicola Hamilton and Alana Randall are Paediatric Physiotherapists, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne Every child…

At the recent national Conference in Sydney, some youth delegates took time out to share their experiences for the HFA…

World Haemophilia Day 17 April 2020   WFH World Congress Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 14-17 June 2020 Bleeding Disorders Awareness Week…

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